Wednesday, December 29, 2010


One of the nice things about the holidays is that a lot of the people who have moved away come back home to spend time with their families.  Jess came down from New York for the week and we were able to get a group of people together for dinner, then wine at Anna's new place, and finally a bonfire at Rory and Marty's to celebrate both their engagement, and Bobby's birthday.

Beyond the fantastic time I had last night, I was able to spend some time earlier in the week with Jess and Rebekah.  We have all known each other since high school, and Jess and Rebekah have been best friends since that time.  I have to say that in talking to both Bet and Jess, I was so impressed by their friendship and not only how they supported each other, but how they stood up for each other and how well they understood each other.  
Bet and Jess

I have also had a best friend since high school, Andrea. We met in 9th grade English and have been close ever since. I found myself wondering if she and I understood each other on the level that Bet and Jess seemed to understand each other.  Being friends with someone for so long (Andrea and I have been friends going on 15 years) is interesting. There are so many different things that happen in your life: work, school, family, boyfriends. Andrea and I had such different paths after, and even during, high school. There were many times when we wouldn't see or speak to each other for months on end, not because we didn't get along, but just because we were both busy with our own lives.  I think what makes a friend a true friend is what happens when you need a friend.  Whenever life slowed down enough, or one of us was going through a tough time. the other was always there.  Each time we saw each other again, it didn't matter if we hadn't spoken in 6 days, 6 weeks, or 6 months, it was like there had never been a hiatus.  So I guess we do have that sort of relationship.  I'm really glad that we took the time in our 9th grade English class to get to know each other.

Me and Andrea

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