Saturday, October 16, 2010

Staying on Track

What a crazy week it has been.  Peak season is upon us once again.  Luckily, I was able to avoid weekend work, but I did log 50 hours this week.  In public accounting we have the equivalent to the "freshmen 15." I'm trying to stay active despite the workload and avoid the busy season weight gain that comes as a result of long sedentary days and the unhealthy dinners that the company orders when we work late.  I missed my run on one of my 10 hour days, mostly because I gave in and ate the BBQ pulled pork they brought in for dinner.  Something about BBQ, baked beans, and mac n' cheese just doesn't lend itself to running.  The next day I finished my work quickly and thought I would be able to get out early enough for a run, but we ended up getting a work request in at 5:30, so I ended up working 12.5 hours.  I had told myself I wasn't going to make excuses for not making healthy choices, so I changed into my running clothes in the parking garage and headed out for my run.  I didn't end up getting there until 10 PM, but my route is well lit and even at 10 PM there are other people out for walks/jogs/bike rides.  I could tell that I was covering the miles quickly (relative to me) and felt really good about it. 

I've also been getting excited about the lunches I've been packing in my Go Green Lunchbox, which I bought as part of a fundraiser for my nieces' school.  The new designs are decidely more childish than some of the old designs, but I guess I did buy a children's lunchbox.  The design of my lunchbox is a black and white houndstooth, which they no longer carry.  I've been using this lunchbox for a while, and lately I've been trying to eat healthier, so the lunch box is convenient and there is enough room for not only my lunch, but also for snacks throughout the day. 

Here is my lunch on Thursday, that is the first day I decided to start taking pictures of my lunch:

 The side salad compartment is actually where a stainless steel drink holder goes. 
My mom has been making chicken salad and keeping it in the fridge.  I love my mom's chicken salad and it is easy to throw into a pita with some romaine for lunch.  I got her to begin using plain greek yogurt in the chicken salad instead of mayo.  She adds a little bit of honey to the yogurt to sweeten it up. There is salad dressing at the cafeteria at work, so I can grab some honey mustard there.  This was the first time I brought a salad in my lunchbox.

I liked the salad so much that I made it my main course the following day:

Now I just need to think of more ideas for my lunches. 

In addition to making myself go for my runs and focusing on what I eat (trying to stay on track especially where snacking is concerned), I have set a running goal for myself.  Last year I was signed up for the Gasparilla half marathon which I didn't end up running because I hurt my knee shortly before the race.  The next race is coming up in February and I would really like to be able to run it this time.  Last year before the race I was up to 9 - 11 mile long runs, I'm currently at three and a half miles, so I've got some work ahead of me.  I also need to add strength work to my currently all cardio regime.  I've noticed that making these changes makes a huge difference in my energy level, my confidence level, and and my overall happiness.  I just get so down and slow when I make poor choices.  I need to remind myself of that when I'm feeling lazy or my work orders the delicious sugar cookies or cakes from Wright's.

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